Уважаемая компания Futuremark выложила для всеобщего доступа последнюю версию довольно-таки объёмного теста/бенчмарка всего ПК, называемого PCMark 8.
A bug fix in this update means that scores from the Storage Consistency and Storage Adaptivity tests included in PCMark 8 Professional Edition may improve slightly on some hardware. Other benchmark scores are not affected.
- SystemInfo module updated to 4.32 for improved hardware compatibility.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Adobe After Effects test to fail.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Storage benchmark from running on dynamic disks, including stripes and mirrors.
Professional Edition only
- PDF report now includes details of the screen resolution and memory modules.
- Fixed a data alignment issue in the Storage Consistency test that could result in read-modify-write operations when a simple write was intended. Scores from this test may improve on devices previously affected by the bug.
- Added --custom command line option to enable the Storage Consistency test to be customized for selected use cases. See PCMark 8 Storage Consistency Customization Guide for details: http://www.futuremark.com/downloads/pcmark8-storage-consistency-customization-guide.pdf
Вот такие тесты доступны в бесплатной версии Futuremark PCMark 8:
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