Компания Futuremark выпустила обновление популярного пакета бенчмарков 3DMark (того самого, чья первая версия увидела свет в 2013 году и с тех пор постоянно обновляется). Изменения существенные, качать нужно обязательно, ведь теперь программу можно использовать в качестве стресс-теста (теста на стабильность работы) для разогнанных ПК.
3DMark Windows v.2.2.3509
December 15, 2016
This update fixes a GUI issue that resulted in marginally lower than expected scores when starting a test from the Benchmark Details screen in 3DMark versions 2.1.2852 and later. Benchmark runs started from the Home screen or the Command Line were not affected.
It is normal for 3DMark scores to vary by up to 3% between runs since there are factors in a modern, multitasking operating system that cannot be completely controlled.
With this update, overall scores are expected to increase by up to 0.3%. Scores from the Physics and CPU parts of benchmark tests may improve by up to 2.5%. Scores from this version of 3DMark are consistent with results from previous versions that did not have the GUI issue.
- Added a two-minute timeout to the SystemInfo scan to prevent it from stalling for long periods on some specific systems.
3DMark Windows v.2.2.3491
December 12, 2016
This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected.
- Fixed an issue with the output resolution setting on the Options screen.
Torrent с актуальной версией 3DMark 2013.
Видео бенчмарка TimeSpy:
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